RWR House Clearance

Services We Provide

House Clearance

One of our friendly, polite and respectful teams will arrive promptly at your property at a pre-booked time, convenient to yourself. At this point we ask that you inform us of any items which you may need located and retained. These could include sentimental items such as photographs, mementos or possibly important legal documents needed to settle affairs.

When the initial walkthrough has taken place and the order has been agreed, our team will begin clearing the property with the utmost respect and the minimum of disturbance to you and your neighbours. Once the clearance has been completed we will again walk the property to ensure that we have left everything as discussed. Once it has been established that you are satisfied with the service we have provided we will present you with the invoice, a waste transfer note to absolve you of responsibility for all items removed and finally a receipt for payment.

Verminous House Clearance

We consider a property to be classed as verminous when it contains material such as animal or human feces, clinical waste, needles/syringes and drug related waste or paraphernalia, decaying food, stagnant water, urine and/or blood soaked soft furniture and beds. In general, rotting waste!

As most verminous properties present a serious danger to health, we recommend that this type of clearance should only be carried out by a professional company such as ourselves.

House Cleaning Service

This is an additional service which is only available to clearance clients. This service will return a property to a living or working standard after prolonged periods of inattention.

The focus will be on bringing out the best of the property in spite of any physical limitations the age or condition may present. This service will include all rooms dusted, vacuumed, painted walls and woodwork wiped clean and internal window frames and sills cleaned.

Asset Management

We will clear factory units, retail spaces, catering units of clutter and junk with minimum disruption to your business and neighbours.

Our professional team will assist in turning any derelict, dangerous, non-productive space into a clear, clutter-free working area. This in turn facilitates a smooth business operation, increasing productivity and most importantly profitability.

Commercial Clearance

Our range of services makes it easy to get your commercial outlets cleared of all surplus, redundant and waste materials. Furniture / IT removal, reuse and recycling.

Rubbish clearance, recycling and disposal of all items removed.

Do you need a Hoarders House Clearance Clearance?

Here at RWR House Clearance we offer a simple and stress-free service to help you get your property back de-cluttered. We have spent many years clearing out all types of properties, we specialize in Hoarders House Clearances and pride our-self with helping customers with their Hoarders problems.

Check out more about Hoarders House Clearance HERE

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Simple – Reasonably Priced – Stress Free

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